Cookie policy

By visiting this website with your browser settings adjusted to allow cookies, you are consenting to aliquo using cookies for the purposes outlined below in order to provide you with a fully functional shopping experience.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file which is downloaded and stored on your computer or mobile device by websites that you visit. Where cookie technology is not available, an anonymous identifier may be used. An anonymous identifier is a random string of characters used for the same purposes as a cookie.

Your browser accesses the cookie file only when you visit the website that generated it. This helps to ease your navigation by automatically logging you in and remembering things like your preferences and what’s in your shopping basket.

The information stored within any given cookie can only be accessed by the website that created it and cookies are limited to communicating only the information that you have disclosed to the site.

We use the following types of cookie:

How do I control Strictly Necessary cookies?

You can use your browser settings to control whether or not we set Strictly Necessary cookies. More information on your browser settings is provided at the bottom of this page. Please be aware that Strictly Necessary cookies are critical to the working of the site. If you choose to disable cookies from this site, the functionality of the site will be greatly reduced.

How do I control Analytics cookies?

We use Google to provide our analytics data. You can read more about how Google Analytics treats your data at: Google: Safeguarding your data.

You can also read Google’s full privacy policy. Google provides a tool to opt-out of Google Analytics. This is available for all modern browsers in the form of a browser plugin.

Additionally, you can control how cookies are set using your browser settings. See at the bottom of this page for more information on managing cookies.


The list below details the cookies used on our website. We have outlined who sets these cookies and their purpose. If the Party reads something other than 'aliquo', these are our third party business partners who help us to enhance your browsing experience.


Category Party Purpose
Strictly necessary aliquo via Shopify Shopify uses cookies to enable some basic functionality that is required for you to browse and shop on our website, such as remembering which products you have added to your cart.
Marketing Facebook
Facebook use cookies (or, if applicable, anonymous identifiers) to track our paid advertising activity. We use the information collected by these cookies to help us determine where our ads will be most effective online. The data taken is not confidential data.
Analytics Google Analytics
Google Analytics use cookies (or, if applicable, anonymous identifiers) to collect data that helps us understand how people are using the site. We use this information to identify how and where we can improve the customer experience. The data collected through these cookies is anonymous, does not collect specific customer data and is never shared with other third parties.
Marketing Social Media plugins
Sites such as Facebook and Pinterest, serve cookies in order to be able to share and discuss aliquo’s products on social networks.
Marketing Mailchimp Mailchimp automatically place single pixel gifs, also known as web beacons, in every email sent by us. This enable us to recognise when subscribers have opened an email or clicked certain links.

Sharing with social networks

If you use the buttons that allow you to share products and content with your friends via social networks like Pinterest and Facebook, these companies may set a cookie on your computer memory. Find out more about these here:

Managing cookies:

If cookies aren't enabled on your computer, it will mean that your shopping experience on our website will be limited to browsing and researching; you won't be able to add products to your basket or buy them. To enable and manage cookies, you can use your browser to do this. Each browser is different, so check the 'Help' menu of your particular browser (or your mobile phone's handset manual) to learn how to change your cookie preferences.